Saturday, 16 April 2011

Design Preparation

Starting to plan my website and gather the work I want to include on it. I'd like to put up my previous project of snowboard designs but I want to find a better way of displaying them. Whether it be trying to photoshop my designs onto real photographs of boarders or something else!
This is a possible solution...

This is how I've been showing my designs so far, on a simple vector template.

This is showing the same designs on a more realistic looking model, it was a free template online, so I might make a few changes to highlights and shadows just to make it bit more mine. 
Better than the above anyway.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Full Portfolio

Need to change one or two little bits, and get rid of the lorum Ipsom, but other than it's good to go.
After FMP work will likely change, probably keep half of this stuff though. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Business Card w/ Website

Comp Slip

Thought I'd make it more personal, I'm always saying this, well, when I'm saying thankyou.

Headed Paper

Quick turnaround for this. Keeping in line with my business card.

Information, contact details, E-mail etc all on right hand side. All taken from business car, Neuzeit Book and Book Heavy. 
Uniform position for date, Courier New Bold, then copy text to be in Courier New Reg. 

Updated Business Cards

With the destruction then kidnapping of my Laptop I managed to lose more work. The latest victim being my logo and business cards. So recreated them, changed them ever so slightly....

So the details on the card have changed, putting my professional E-mail on, which at the moment isn't up and running but will be within the next week when I get my website up and running. Got so s'all good.
Different typeface, Neuzeit STD. No Italics, and got rid of +, making it less busy, clear. Defining the two sections with use of '_'. 

The back designs.... I've put up more than one image because I want to have a different designon each card, or at least have some different than others. I intend to print them from which allow you to put up to 10 different images for one print job, so I will be using these four atleast...