The other day I was getting my network on, trying to find if anyone in the UK prints snowboards, that search came to no avail, I did however find something else pretty interesting.
From finding out a name, Brandon Ramirez, the creative director at Ride Snowboards and typing it into google, found this site
Big thing in America for businesses of all nature, kind of a social site where people can contact fellow colleagues, apply for new jobs, get recommendations, message other people, all sorts! But yeah found Ramirez on there and now have a direct line of contact with the head guy at Ride snowboards, now this is pretty exciting for me. I'm putting off getting in touch straight away as I would like to send him a portfolio I felt confident with and that would be a portfolio with the work I'm doing now, so may leave it until christmas to send Ramirez a message.
Aswell as this on peoples profiles they have boxes of similar people in similar fields of work so from finding Ramirez I found all the guys at Super top Secret studio along with people at Burton and K2. winner.
I've made my profile but have yet to really do anything with it! Something I need to get to grips with and understand the nature of more.
My profile:
Aaron Sather, STS / DEATH & TAXES:Brandon Ramirez: