From sending out the emails this morning i already got a response which really surprised me! This is what i sent...
Hey Guys / Aaron
My names Mitch, Im a graphic designer / snowboarder from
Leeds in the UK. I came across your website from trying to find
out who designed some of Ride's snowboards and you've done
some sick stuff!
What sticks out for me is your design for the Ride Timeless
series, and the majority of work you have done for Grenade is
hot as the sun!
I've left my blog address as my website, if you find any spare
time it'd be awsome if you could have a quick glance at my
portfolio and any feedback or direction or even further contact
details would be greatly appreciated.
and this is what i got back from Aaron himself!
Hey Mitch,
Thanks for the good words, and for coming by the site. Much appreciated.
I've had a good run with the shred stuff. I grew up riding and that turned into a little career with the stuff. It's been super fun and rewarding the last decade.
Thanks for sending in your work, too. Keep the fire burning hot and keep it fun! I'm not really one to get into specifics about student work, but wanted to pass on some of the best advice I've heard: KEEP THE SHIT FUN!
As in, make this stuff your life, and don't let it become a job. That'll strip away so much of the magic.
Keep it fun, and go the extra mile whenever you can. It'll always pay off.
Hope my halfwit words help you, man.
Thanks again, take care and stay strong!
He sounds a right lad! But yeah i really appreciate his quick response and what he said does hold a lot of truth! So im gonna carry on and keep this shit fun! Whats really inspiring about this to me is that he mentions making a career from first snowboarding! which is something i really want to aspire to!